Make it Progressive

Clea allows you to generate an application with default Progressive Web App support.


clea new <app-name> --make-it-progressive


These file are generated or modified by the Progressive Web App support option:

  • sw.conf.js: sw-precache and sw-toolbox configuration file.
  • src/app/app.sw.ts: Service Worker registration.
  • src/public/index.html: add <head> metadata for PWA support.
  • src/public/manifest.json: manifest file describing the application.
  • src/public/assets/launcher/: some default launcher icons.

Web app manifest

The app manifest is declared with a manifest.json file located under src/public/ folder.

The web app manifest is a simple JSON file that gives you the ability to control how your app appears to the user.

More information about manifest file format over here.


With the sw-precache support, your application will automatically generate a service worker that precaches your static resources (App Shell).


It provides some simple helpers and strategies to cache your dynamic contents.

sw-toolbox is used alongside sw-precache: doc.


All the sw-precache / sw-toolbox configuration is available in the sw.conf.js file, located at your root folder.

You can use most of the sw-precache options except these ones:

  • cacheId: which is automatically set using the name property of your .clea-cli.json file
  • filename: which is always at service-worker.js
  • stripPrefix: it's always stripping the --output-path option value.

To configure sw-toolbox, you can use the runtimeCaching property.


For example, if you want to cache the response of, you can make the following configuration:

module.exports = {
  runtimeCaching: [
      handler: 'cacheFirst',
      urlPattern: /\/users/,
      options: {
        origin: /jsonplaceholder\.typicode\.com/

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