clea generate module [name]


The new module isn't added to the closest parent module.

You have to do it manually.

You can also use the --lazy-load option to make it lazy-loadable on the /[name] route.


--with-component generate a component with the generated module.

--lazy-load lazy load the module in the closest parent routing file.


The generated structure is as followed:

├── my-new-module/
│    └──  my-new-module.module.ts

With the --with-component option:

├── my-new-module/
│    |──  my-new-module.module.ts
│    |──  my-new-module.component.html
│    |──  my-new-module.component.scss
│    |──  my-new-module.component.spec.ts
│    |──  my-new-module.component.ts
│    └──  my-new-module.controller.ts
└── parent.module.ts     <-- Register the component in the closest parent module

With the --lazy-load option:

├── my-new-module/
│    └──  my-new-module.module.ts
└── parent.routing.ts     <-- Lazy loading for the newly added route

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