Lazy loading

By default, lazy-loading is activated with ocLazyLoad library.


To help you with the integration process, we made the following option:

clea generate module lazy --lazy-load

It will generate a new module called lazy and lazy-load it in the closest routing file.

With the above example, the following structure will be generated:

├── lazy/
│    |──  lazy.module.ts
│    └──  lazy.component.ts
└── app.routing.ts

In app.route.ts, the new module will be automatically referenced:

import { StateProvider } from '@uirouter/angularjs';

export class AppRoutes {

  constructor (
    $stateProvider: StateProvider
  ) {

    $stateProvider.state('lazy', {
      url: '/lazy',
      component: 'lazy',
      resolve: {
        module: ['$q', '$ocLazyLoad', ($q: ng.IQService, $ocLazyLoad: oc.ILazyLoad) => {
          return $q ((resolve) => {
            (<WebpackRequire> require).ensure([], () => {
              let { LazyModule } = require('./lazy/lazy.module');

                name : LazyModule,
                files: undefined



And that's it, you can now acces the /lazy URL which will lazy-load the new LazyModule.


At build time, you should see a new chunk for each lazy-loaded module:

$ clea build

Hash: 7efaa782e1e4c0463032
Time: 10483ms
chunk    {0} main.a10ee02ef5f81e30f2e1.bundle.js, main.7efaa782e1e4c0463032.bundle.css (main) 6.29 kB {2} [rendered]
chunk    {1} 1.1825eb1e15d831e143e6.chunk.js 2.25 kB {0} [rendered] # <== The new chunk
chunk    {2} vendor.d926d0a3d4c7bee26dbb.bundle.js, vendor.7efaa782e1e4c0463032.bundle.css (vendor) 2.1 MB [rendered]

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