package fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.sms;
import static fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.AssertionHelper.assertThat;
import static fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.AssertionHelper.usingContext;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.toObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.AssertionRegistry;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.sms.simulator.bean.Alphabet;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.sms.simulator.bean.OptionalParameter;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.sms.simulator.bean.SubmitSm;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.sms.simulator.bean.Tag;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.util.HasParent;
* Make assertions on received PDU.
* @author Aurélien Baudet
* @param <P>
* the parent type
* @param <S>
* the type of received messages
public class FluentPduRequestAssert<P, S extends SubmitSm> extends HasParent<P> {
private final List<PduRequestWithContext<S>> actual;
private final AssertionRegistry registry;
* @param actual
* the received messages
* @param parent
* the parent
* @param registry
* used to register assertions
public FluentPduRequestAssert(List<PduRequestWithContext<S>> actual, P parent, AssertionRegistry registry) {
this.actual = actual;
this.registry = registry;
* Make assertions on the encoding byte of the message(s) using fluent API.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().message(0)
* .rawRequest()
* .encoding(is(0x01))
* </pre>
* Will check if the encoding byte of the first message is exactly 0x01.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().every()
* .rawRequest()
* .encoding(is(0x01))
* </pre>
* Will check if the encoding byte of every message is exactly 0x01.
* @param matcher
* the assertion to apply on the encoding
* @return the fluent API for chaining assertions on received message(s)
public FluentPduRequestAssert<P, S> encoding(Matcher<Byte> matcher) {
String message = "encoding of ${name} of message ${messageIndex}";
for (PduRequestWithContext<S> rawContentWithContext : actual) {
S msg = rawContentWithContext.getRequest();
registry.register(() -> assertThat(org.jsmpp.bean.Alphabet.parseDataCoding(msg.getDataCoding()).value(), usingContext(message, rawContentWithContext, matcher)));
return this;
* Make assertions on the alphabet of the message(s) using fluent API. The
* alphabet is extracted from {@link SubmitSm#getDataCoding()} byte. It
* corresponds to the character table used to encode the message. It is a
* convenience method that is similar to {@link #encoding(Matcher)} but
* using human readable enum.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().message(0)
* .rawRequest()
* .alphabet(is(Alphabet.ALPHA_DEFAULT))
* </pre>
* Will check if the alphabet of the first message is exactly
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().every()
* .rawRequest()
* .alphabet(is(Alphabet.ALPHA_DEFAULT))
* </pre>
* Will check if the alphabet of every message is exactly
* @param matcher
* the assertion to apply on the alphabet
* @return the fluent API for chaining assertions on received message(s)
public FluentPduRequestAssert<P, S> alphabet(Matcher<Alphabet> matcher) {
String message = "alphabet of ${name} of message ${messageIndex}";
for (PduRequestWithContext<S> rawContentWithContext : actual) {
S msg = rawContentWithContext.getRequest();
registry.register(() -> assertThat(Alphabet.from(org.jsmpp.bean.Alphabet.parseDataCoding(msg.getDataCoding()).value()), usingContext(message, rawContentWithContext, matcher)));
return this;
* Make assertions on the short message byte array of the message(s) using
* fluent API. The short message corresponds to the whole array of data. It
* always contains the payload (see
* {@link FluentShortMessageMessageAssert#payload(Matcher)}). It may contain the
* header (see {@link FluentShortMessageMessageAssert#header(Matcher)}). For
* example, if the original message is split into several segments, then
* each received message contains a header to indicate how the message was
* split (number of segments, reference number, current segment number,
* ...).
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().message(0)
* .rawRequest()
* .shortMessage(arrayWithSize(134))
* </pre>
* Will check if the short message (header + payload) byte array of the
* first message has 134 bytes.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().every()
* .rawRequest()
* .shortMessage(arrayWithSize(134))
* </pre>
* Will check if the short message (header + payload) byte array of every
* message has 134 bytes.
* @param matcher
* the assertion to apply on the short message (header + payload)
* @return the fluent API for chaining assertions on received message(s)
public FluentPduRequestAssert<P, S> shortMessage(Matcher<? super Byte[]> matcher) {
String message = "shortMessage of ${name} of message ${messageIndex}";
for (PduRequestWithContext<S> rawContentWithContext : actual) {
S msg = rawContentWithContext.getRequest();
registry.register(() -> assertThat(toObject(msg.getShortMessage()), usingContext(message, rawContentWithContext, matcher)));
return this;
* Make assertions on the short message byte array of the message(s) using
* fluent API. The short message corresponds to the whole array of data. It
* always contains the payload (see
* {@link FluentShortMessageMessageAssert#payload(Matcher)}). It may contain the
* header (see {@link FluentShortMessageMessageAssert#header(Matcher)}). For
* example, if the original message is split into several segments, then
* each received message contains a header to indicate how the message was
* split (number of segments, reference number, current segment number,
* ...).
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().message(0)
* .rawRequest()
* .shortMessage()
* .payload(arrayWithSize(134))
* </pre>
* Will check if the short message payload byte array of the first message
* has 134 bytes.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().every()
* .rawRequest()
* .shortMessage()
* .payload(arrayWithSize(134))
* </pre>
* Will check if the short message payload byte array of every message has
* 134 bytes.
* @return the fluent API for chaining assertions on received message(s)
public FluentShortMessageMessageAssert<FluentPduRequestAssert<P, S>, S> shortMessage() {
List<ShortMessageWithContext<S>> shortMessages = new ArrayList<>();
for (PduRequestWithContext<S> rawContentWithContext : actual) {
S msg = rawContentWithContext.getRequest();
shortMessages.add(new ShortMessageWithContext<>(msg, rawContentWithContext));
return new FluentShortMessageMessageAssert<>(shortMessages, this, registry);
* Make assertions on optional parameter with particular tag.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().message(0)
* .rawRequest()
* .optionalParameter(Tag.MESSAGE_PAYLOAD)
* .value(arrayWithSize(134))
* </pre>
* Will check if the short message payload byte array of the
* 'message_payload' optional parameter of the first message has 134 bytes.
* <pre>
* .receivedMessages().every()
* .rawRequest()
* .optionalParameter(Tag.MESSAGE_PAYLOAD)
* .value(arrayWithSize(134))
* </pre>
* Will check if the short message payload byte array of the
* 'message_payload' optional parameter of every message has 134 bytes.
* @param withTag
* the particular tag to search and to make assertions on
* @see OptionalParameter
* @see Tag
* @return the fluent API for chaining assertions on received message(s)
public FluentOptionalParameterAssert<FluentPduRequestAssert<P, S>> optionalParameter(Tag withTag) {
List<OptionalParameterWithContext> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
for (PduRequestWithContext<S> rawContentWithContext : actual) {
OptionalParameter parameter = getOptionalParameter(rawContentWithContext.getRequest(), withTag);
parameters.add(new OptionalParameterWithContext(withTag, parameter, rawContentWithContext));
return new FluentOptionalParameterAssert<>(this, parameters, registry);
private OptionalParameter getOptionalParameter(S msg, Tag tag) {
return msg.getOptionalParameter(tag);