package fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.hamcrest;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.DetailedDiff;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Difference;
import org.hamcrest.BaseMatcher;
import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.junit.ComparisonFailure;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.OghamAssertions;
import fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.HtmlUtils;
* Check if the HTML is identical or similar to the expected. The HTML strings are parsed
* into {@link Document}s. Two documents are considered to be "identical" if
* they contain the same elements and attributes in the same order.Two documents are considered to be "similar" if they
* contain the same elements and attributes regardless of order.
* <p>
* This matcher is a {@link ExpectedValueProvider} for knowing the original expected
* value. Thanks to this information, {@link OghamAssertions} will generate a
* {@link ComparisonFailure} with the expected string and actual string in order
* to be able to visualize the differences on sources directly in the IDE.
* <p>
* See {@link HtmlUtils} for more information about "identical"/"similar" HTML.
* @author Aurélien Baudet
public abstract class AbstractHtmlDiffMatcher extends BaseMatcher<String> implements ExpectedValueProvider<String>, ComparisonAwareMatcher {
protected final String expected;
protected final Consumer<String> printer;
protected final String name;
protected DetailedDiff diff;
public AbstractHtmlDiffMatcher(String expected, Consumer<String> printer, String name) {
this.expected = expected;
this.printer = printer;
this.name = name;
public boolean matches(Object item) {
diff = HtmlUtils.compare(expected, (String) item);
boolean matches = matches(diff);
if(!matches) {
return matches;
protected abstract boolean matches(DetailedDiff diff);
public void describeTo(Description description) {
public String getExpectedValue() {
return expected;
public String comparisonMessage() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("The two HTML documents are not ").append(name).append(".\n");
sb.append("Here are the differences found:\n");
for(Difference d : diff.getAllDifferences()) {
sb.append(" - ").append(d.toString()).append("\n");
return sb.toString();