
package fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.email;

import static fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.AssertionHelper.assertThat;
import static fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.AssertionHelper.overrideDescription;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.lessThan;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javax.mail.Message;

import org.hamcrest.Matcher;

import fr.sii.ogham.testing.assertion.util.AssertionRegistry;

public class FluentReceivedEmailsAssert {
	 * List of received messages
	private final List<? extends Message> actual;
	 * Registry to register assertions
	private final AssertionRegistry registry;

	public FluentReceivedEmailsAssert(List<? extends Message> actual, AssertionRegistry registry) {
		this.actual = actual;
		this.registry = registry;

	 * Access fluent API to write assertions on a particular received message.
	 * If you want to make assertions on several messages, you may prefer using:
	 * <pre>
	 * .receivedMessages().message(0)
	 *                       .subject(is("foobar"))
	 *                    .and()
	 *                    .message(1)
	 *                       .subject(is("bar"))
	 * </pre>
	 * @param index
	 *            the index of the received message
	 * @return the fluent API for assertions on the particular message
	public FluentEmailAssert<FluentReceivedEmailsAssert> receivedMessage(int index) {
		registry.register(() -> assertThat(index, overrideDescription("Assertions on message "+index+" can't be executed because "+actual.size()+" messages were received", lessThan(actual.size()))));
		return new FluentEmailAssert<>(index<actual.size() ? actual.get(index) : null, index, this, registry);

	 * Fluent API to write assertions on received messages.
	 * You can write assertions for all messages or a particular message.
	 * For example, for writing assertion on a single message, you can write:
	 * <pre>
	 * .receivedMessages().message(0)
	 *                       .subject(is("foobar"))
	 * </pre>
	 * For writing assertions that are applied on every received message, you
	 * can write:
	 * <pre>
	 * .receivedMessages().every()
	 *                       .subject(is("foobar"))
	 * </pre>
	 * Will check that subject of every message is "foobar".
	 * <p>
	 * You can use this method to factorize several assertions on a message and
	 * then make dedicated assertions on some messages:
	 * <pre>
	 * .receivedMessages().every()
	 *                       .subject(is("foobar"))
	 *                    .and()
	 *                    .message(0)
	 *                       .body().contentAsString(is("toto"))
	 * </pre>
	 * Will check that subject of every message is "foobar" and that body of
	 * first received message is "toto".
	 * @return the fluent API for assertions on messages
	public FluentEmailsAssert<FluentReceivedEmailsAssert> receivedMessages() {
		return new FluentEmailsAssert<>(actual, this, registry);

	 * Fluent API to write assertions on received messages.
	 * Make an assertion on received messages list (JavaMail message).
	 * For example, for writing assertion on a single message, you can write:
	 * <pre>
	 * .receivedMessages(is(Matchers.&lt;Message&gt;empty()))
	 * </pre>
	 * @param matcher
	 *            the assertion to apply on message list
	 * @return the fluent API for assertions on messages
	public FluentEmailsAssert<FluentReceivedEmailsAssert> receivedMessages(Matcher<Collection<? extends Message>> matcher) {
		registry.register(() -> assertThat("Received messages", actual, matcher));
		return receivedMessages();
