package fr.sii.ogham.spring.common;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.NestedConfigurationProperty;
public class OghamMimetypeProperties {
* Default mimetype if detection couldn't determine the mimetype
private String defaultMimetype = "application/octet-stream";
private TikaProperties tika = new TikaProperties();
public String getDefaultMimetype() {
return defaultMimetype;
public void setDefaultMimetype(String defaultMimetype) {
this.defaultMimetype = defaultMimetype;
public TikaProperties getTika() {
return tika;
public void setTika(TikaProperties tika) {
this.tika = tika;
public static class TikaProperties {
* If Tika detection returns an {@code application/octet-stream}, it may
* means that detection was not enough accurate. In order to try other
* registered implementations that are able to detect mimetypes, you can
* set this to true.
private boolean failIfOctetStream = true;
public boolean isFailIfOctetStream() {
return failIfOctetStream;
public void setFailIfOctetStream(boolean failIfOctetStream) {
this.failIfOctetStream = failIfOctetStream;