import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.List;
import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.Builder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.context.BuildContext;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.env.EnvironmentBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.mimetype.MimetypeDetectionBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.mimetype.MimetypeDetectionBuilderDelegate;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.mimetype.SimpleMimetypeDetectionBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.resolution.ClassPathResolutionBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.resolution.FileResolutionBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.resolution.ResourceResolutionBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.resolution.ResourceResolutionBuilderHelper;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.builder.resolution.StringResolutionBuilder;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.fluent.AbstractParent;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.mimetype.MimeTypeProvider;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.resource.path.LookupAwareRelativePathResolver;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.resource.path.RelativePathResolver;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.resource.resolver.FirstSupportingResourceResolver;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.resource.resolver.ResourceResolver;
import fr.sii.ogham.core.translator.content.ContentTranslator;
import fr.sii.ogham.html.inliner.EveryImageInliner;
import fr.sii.ogham.html.inliner.ImageInliner;
import fr.sii.ogham.html.translator.InlineImageTranslator;
* Configures how images declared in the HTML content are automatically
* transformed to make it work with email.
* Images can be either:
* <ul>
* <li>Attached to the email</li>
* <li>Encoded to a base64 string</li>
* <li>Not inlined at all</li>
* </ul>
* This builder is used to enable the inlining modes (and to configure them).
* Several modes can be enabled.
* <p>
* If {@link #attach()} is called, it enables image attachment.
* Image defined in a html must be referenced by a
* <a href="">Content-ID (or
* CID)</a> if the image is attached to the email.
* For example, if your template contains the following HTML code:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" data-inline-image="attach" />
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image will be loaded from the classpath and attached to the email.
* The src attribute will be replaced by the Content-ID.
* <p>
* If {@link #base64()} is called, it enables inlining by converting image
* content into base64 string and using the base64 string as image source.
* For example, if your template contains the following HTML code:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" data-inline-image="base64" />
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image will be loaded from the classpath and encoded into a base64
* string. This base64 string is used in the src attribute of the image.
* <p>
* If you don't want to inline a particular image, you can set the
* "data-inline-image" attribute to "skip":
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" data-inline-image="skip" />
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image won't be inlined at all.
* <p>
* If no inline mode is explicitly defined on the {@code <img>}:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" />
* }
* </pre>
* The behavior depends on what you have configured:
* <ul>
* <li>If {@link #attach()} is enabled (has been called), then image will be
* loaded from the classpath and attached to the email. The src attribute will
* be replaced by the Content-ID.</li>
* <li>If {@link #attach()} is not enabled (never called) and {@link #base64()}
* is enabled (has been called), then the image will be loaded from the
* classpath and encoded into a base64 string. This base64 string is used in the
* src attribute of the image.</li>
* <li>If neither {@link #attach()} nor {@link #base64()} are enabled (never
* called), then images won't be inlined at all</li>
* </ul>
* @author Aurélien Baudet
public class ImageInliningBuilder extends AbstractParent<ImageHandlingBuilder> implements ResourceResolutionBuilder<ImageInliningBuilder>, Builder<ContentTranslator> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImageInliningBuilder.class);
private final BuildContext buildContext;
private final ResourceResolutionBuilderHelper<ImageInliningBuilder> resourceResolutionBuilderHelper;
private AttachImageBuilder attachBuilder;
private Base64InliningBuilder base64Builder;
private MimetypeDetectionBuilder<ImageInliningBuilder> mimetypeBuilder;
* Initializes the builder with a parent builder. The parent builder is used
* when calling {@link #and()} method. The {@link EnvironmentBuilder} is
* used to evaluate properties when {@link #build()} method is called.
* @param parent
* the parent builder
* @param buildContext
* for registering instances and property evaluation
public ImageInliningBuilder(ImageHandlingBuilder parent, BuildContext buildContext) {
this.buildContext = buildContext;
resourceResolutionBuilderHelper = new ResourceResolutionBuilderHelper<>(this, buildContext);
* Configures how attachment of images is handled.
* <p>
* If this method is called, it enables image attachment.
* Image defined in a html must be referenced by a
* <a href="">Content-ID
* (or CID)</a> if the image is attached to the email.
* For example, if your template contains the following HTML code:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" data-inline-image="attach" />
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image will be loaded from the classpath and attached to the
* email. The src attribute will be replaced by the Content-ID.
* <p>
* In the same way, if your template contains the following code:
* <pre>
* <code>
* <style>
* .some-class {
* background: url('classpath:/foo.png');
* --inline-image: attach;
* }
* </style>
* </code>
* </pre>
* Or directly on {@code style} attribute:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <div style=
"background: url('classpath:/foo.png'); --inline-image: attach;"></div>
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image will be loaded from the classpath and attached to the
* email. The url will be replaced by the Content-ID.
* <p>
* If no inline mode is defined, image attachment is used by default:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" />
* }
* </pre>
* Or:
* <pre>
* <code>
* <style>
* .some-class {
* background: url('classpath:/foo.png');
* }
* </style>
* </code>
* </pre>
* Or:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <div style="background: url('classpath:/foo.png');"></div>
* }
* </pre>
* The examples above have the same result as the example that explicitly
* defines the inline mode.
* @return the builder to configure how images are automatically attached
public AttachImageBuilder attach() {
if (attachBuilder == null) {
attachBuilder = new AttachImageBuilder(this, buildContext);
return attachBuilder;
* Configures how attachment of images is handled.
* <p>
* If this method is called, it enables inlining by converting image content
* into base64 string and using the base64 string as image source.
* For example, if your template contains the following HTML code:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" data-inline-image="base64" />
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image will be loaded from the classpath and encoded into a
* base64 string. This base64 string is used in the src attribute of the
* {@code <img>}.
* <p>
* In the same way, if your template contains the following code:
* <pre>
* <code>
* <style>
* .some-class {
* background: url('classpath:/foo.png');
* --inline-image: base64;
* }
* </style>
* </code>
* </pre>
* Or directly on {@code style} attribute:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <div style="background: url('classpath:/foo.png'); --inline-image: base64;"></div>
* }
* </pre>
* Then the image will be loaded from the classpath and encoded into a
* base64 string. The url is updated with the base64 string.
* <p>
* If no inline mode is defined <strong>and</strong> image attachment is not
* enable ({@link #attach()} is not called), this mode is used by default:
* <pre>
* {@code
* <img src="classpath:/foo.png" />
* }
* </pre>
* In this case, the example above as the same result as the example that
* explicitly defines the inline mode.
* @return the builder to configure how images are automatically converted
* to base64
public Base64InliningBuilder base64() {
if (base64Builder == null) {
base64Builder = new Base64InliningBuilder(this, buildContext);
return base64Builder;
* Builder that configures mimetype detection.
* There exists several implementations to provide the mimetype:
* <ul>
* <li>Using Java {@link MimetypesFileTypeMap}</li>
* <li>Using Java 7 {@link Files#probeContentType(java.nio.file.Path)}</li>
* <li>Using <a href="">Apache Tika</a></li>
* <li>Using
* <a href="">JMimeMagic</a></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Both implementations provided by Java are based on file extensions. This
* can't be used in most cases as we often handle {@link InputStream}s.
* </p>
* <p>
* In previous version of Ogham, JMimeMagic was used and was working quite
* well. Unfortunately, the library is no more maintained.
* </p>
* <p>
* You can configure how Tika will detect mimetype:
* <pre>
* .mimetype()
* .tika()
* ...
* </pre>
* <p>
* This builder allows to use several providers. It will chain them until
* one can find a valid mimetype. If none is found, you can explicitly
* provide the default one:
* <pre>
* .mimetype()
* .defaultMimetype("text/html")
* </pre>
* <p>
* If no mimetype detector was previously defined, it creates a new one.
* Then each time you call {@link #mimetype()}, the same instance is used.
* </p>
* @return the builder to configure mimetype detection
public MimetypeDetectionBuilder<ImageInliningBuilder> mimetype() {
if (mimetypeBuilder == null) {
mimetypeBuilder = new SimpleMimetypeDetectionBuilder<>(this, buildContext);
return mimetypeBuilder;
* NOTE: this is mostly for advance usage (when creating a custom module).
* Inherits mimetype configuration from another builder. This is useful for
* configuring independently different parts of Ogham but keeping a whole
* coherence.
* The same instance is shared meaning that all changes done here will also
* impact the other builder.
* <p>
* If a previous builder was defined (by calling {@link #mimetype()} for
* example), the new builder will override it.
* @param builder
* the builder to inherit
* @return this instance for fluent chaining
public ImageInliningBuilder mimetype(MimetypeDetectionBuilder<?> builder) {
mimetypeBuilder = new MimetypeDetectionBuilderDelegate<>(this, builder);
return this;
public ClassPathResolutionBuilder<ImageInliningBuilder> classpath() {
return resourceResolutionBuilderHelper.classpath();
public FileResolutionBuilder<ImageInliningBuilder> file() {
return resourceResolutionBuilderHelper.file();
public StringResolutionBuilder<ImageInliningBuilder> string() {
return resourceResolutionBuilderHelper.string();
public ImageInliningBuilder resolver(ResourceResolver resolver) {
return resourceResolutionBuilderHelper.resolver(resolver);
public ContentTranslator build() {
MimeTypeProvider mimetypeProvider = buildMimetypeProvider();
if (mimetypeProvider == null) {"Images won't be inlined because no mimetype detector is configured");
return null;
}"Images will be inlined");
return buildContext.register(new InlineImageTranslator(buildInliner(), buildResolver(), mimetypeProvider, buildRelativePathProvider()));
private MimeTypeProvider buildMimetypeProvider() {
if (mimetypeBuilder == null) {
return null;
private ImageInliner buildInliner() {
EveryImageInliner inliner = buildContext.register(new EveryImageInliner());
if (attachBuilder != null) {
if (base64Builder != null) {
return inliner;
private ResourceResolver buildResolver() {
List<ResourceResolver> resolvers = resourceResolutionBuilderHelper.buildResolvers();
return buildContext.register(new FirstSupportingResourceResolver(resolvers));
private RelativePathResolver buildRelativePathProvider() {
return buildContext.register(new LookupAwareRelativePathResolver(resourceResolutionBuilderHelper.getAllLookups()));