Release notes

The history of Ogham releases is documented below. For details of changes refer to the project’s GitHub issues or the github-report.html[GitHub report].



  • New builder API

  • Only fluent API (remove all Email/SMS constructors)

  • Follow Spring Boot starter conventions

  • Better Spring Boot integration with existing module (spring-boot-start-mail, spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf, spring-boot-starter-freemarker, spring-boot-starter-sendgrid)

  • Add possibility to create its own configurer


  • Split projects to separate core from implementations

  • Creating a new implementation is easier

  • Add annotations to indicate that an implementation needs some preconditions in order to work

1.1.0 / 2017-03-14


  • Support FreeMarker templates

  • It is possible to mix Thymeleaf and FreeMarker templates

  • Tested with Spring Boot 1.3.8+ latest releases (1.3.8, 1.4.5 and 1.5.2)

1.0.0 / 2015-10-08


  • [Add Spring integration with Spring Boot](usage/integration.html#integrate-with-spring-boot)

  • [Add Spring integration using Java config or XML config](usage/integration.html#manual-integration-with-spring)

  • Add fluent API

  • Service now wrap all exceptions (even runtime exceptions) into checked exception

  • Add OVH implementation for sending SMS

  • Add basic i18n support

  • Allow to configure different template prefixes/suffixes for each kind of message

0.0.1 / 2015-06-22


  • [APIs for multi-implementation support](config/select-implementation.html)

  • [APIs for multi-channel support](usage/index.html)

  • [Send emails using Java Mail API (first implementation)](config/select-implementation.html#email)

  • [Send SMS using Cloudhopper SMPP (first implementation)](config/select-implementation.html#sms)

  • Integrate Thymeleaf as template engine (first integration)

  • [Manage both html and text emails](usage/how-to-send-email.html#both-html-and-text)

  • [Automatically fill email/sms with information from properties](config/properties.html)

  • [Automatically fill subject for emails provided directly in template](usage/how-to-send-email.html#sending-email-with-subject-from-template)

  • [Handle email attachments](usage/how-to-send-email.html#attachments)

  • [Apply basic HTML transformations to make the email work on several email clients](features/hidden-complexity.html)

  • Detect mimetype automatically

  • Simple lookup management for finding templates and template resources

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Version: 2.0.0. Last Published: 2018-01-03.

Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.