css cheat sheet
Selectors and Specificities

Date : Feb 2018


Used to apply style on all the elements targeted by their tag name :

div { } /*targets all <div> elements*/
span { } /*targets all <span> elements*/
input { } /*targets all <input> elements*/


. is a class selector. It targets every element with a specific class attribute :

.my-class { } /*targets every element with the "my-class" class*/
div.my-class { } /*targets every div with "my-class" class*/


# is the id selector. It targets every element with a specific id attribute :

#my-id { } /*targets every element with the "my-id" id*/

(note that an id should be unique and applied to only one element but the css will be applied anyway on every element with the same id attribute ! )


You can target an element by any of its attributes and attributes value :

[alt] { } /*targets every element with an alt attribute */
input[type="checkbox"] { } /*targets every <input> element with the "type" attribute value set to "checkbox"*/

You can also use regex in your attribute selector :

a[href*="www"] { } /*targets every <a> element with a "href" attribute value containing "www"*/
a[href^="https://"] { } /*targets every <a> element with a "href" attribute value beginning with "https://"*/

a[href$=".com"] { } /*targets every <a> element with a "href" attribute value ending with ".com"*/

a[href~="example"] { } /*targets every <a> element where "href" attribute value is a space-separated list containing the word "example"*/

a[href|="example"] { } /*targets every <a> element where "href" attribute value is a dash-separated list beginning with the word "example"*/


A pseudo-class selector is a selector preceded by : or ::.

Some are used to apply style on a specific state of an element.

button:hover { } /*the style will apply on a button when the user's mouse hovers it*/
button:disabled { } /*the style will apply on every button with "disabled" attribute*/
a:visited { } /*targets the <a> elements the user has visited*/

Others are used to target specific elements by their position in the DOM.

div p:last-child { } /*targets the last <p> in a <div> element*/
div p:first-child { } /*targets the first <p> in a <div> element*/
div p:nth-child(even) { } /*targets all the even <p> elements in a <div> (even, odd, 1n, 2n, 2n+1, ...)

:not() pseudo-class can be used to avoid applying style on specific elements.

It takes every selector type as argument.

div:not(.my-class) { } /* targets every <div> that doesn't have the "my-class" class attribute.*/
div p:not(:last-child) { } /*targets all <p> elements in my <div> except the last one*/
input:not([type="checkbox"]) { } /*targets all <input> elements that are not checkboxes type*/

Universal selector

* is used to apply style on EVERY element. He is called universal selector.

* { } /*targets every element in the DOM*/
div * { } /*targets every element inside a <div> element*/
WARNING : Don't use it too much, your browser and collegues will thank you...


Multiple selectors

Using multiple selectors without space, you target every element that fullfills all the conditions.


Child combinators

You can target an element that is a child of another element with the space combinator.

#parent-id  .child-class

You can target an element that is a direct child of another element with the > combinator.

#parent-id > .direct-child-class

Adjacent combinator

The ~ combinator is used to target an element that shares its direct parent with another element and is preceded by this element.

<div class="parent">
  <div class="my-class"></div>
  <div id="my-iD"></div>
  <div class="separator"></div>
  <div class="my-class"></div>
#my-id ~ .my-class /*here we are targeting the second ".my-class" element above*/

Siblings combinator

The + combinator is used to select an element that shares its direct parent with another element and is directly preceded by this element.

<div class="parent">
  <div id="my-iD"></div>
  <div class="my-class"></div>
#my-id + .my-class

Priority rules


If an element is targeted twice, the style defined with the most specific selector will override the others. Two classes with a combinator are more specific than a single class, but a single ID is more specific than mutliple classes, respecting this pattern : inline style > id > class, attribute and pseudo-class > element and pseudo-element.

In the picture below, the second example is more specific than the first.


**source : ** https://specificity.keegan.st/


If a property is defined twice for the same element and with equal specificity, the last occurence in the stylesheet will override the first.


WARNING : Don't use !important it will break everything said above